Suggested Experiences

We have lovingly created our suggested experiences that harness the power of spending time moving outside, observing natural rhythms, and becoming conscious of your place in the larger scheme of things to help live a calm life.

Each experience makes the most of the colours, shapes and cycles of nature. We make observations and take time to feel aligned with the rhythm of the day, season or moon cycle. Spend time walking in the mountains, through woodland carpeted in wildflowers, or watching the sun set from a beautiful vantage point and feel the effect it can have. Wales is the perfect place to find your personal connection with nature.

These experiences are all offered privately for you or your group and as such we can tailor them to your needs. Just get in touch to discuss.


Evening to night walks in amazing Dark Sky Reserve spots.

Witness daybreak in amazing mountain locations across Wales

For water-loving explorers, discover the best wild swimming walks in Wales. April - October.

Bespoke nature connection half day and day retreats with guided walks, yoga, plant lore, storytelling and more.

Discover the power of networking outdoors, with bespoke guided netwalking for your network or organisation.

Discover spring wild flowers, autumn colour, winter woodlands & summer coastlines.

Night walks on the full moon in dark sky locations across Wales.

Immerse yourself fully in nature on a wild weekend in Wales.